12th Grade Civics Students Prepare for the Job Market

Civics students at Roberto Clemente Community Academy have been preparing for the future. What do they want to do when they leave? How will they achieve their goals? How will they land their dream job?

Students have been researching their future career fields to discover what employers are looking for in future employees. Using this information, students created resumes highlighting their work experience, volunteer work, extracurricular activities, and the skills and knowledge they have gained as RCCA students. With these resumes in hand, students can begin preparing for life after Clemente.

But a resume is not complete without a cover letter. Now that students have completed their resumes, students are beginning to highlight their most exceptional skills and qualifications- that which employers are most interested in finding in an employee- in their cover letters. First, they took the role of the employer and examined different example cover letters and decided to ask for an interview or not. Then students took these examples and began creatin their own cover letters. They presented themselves to a prospective employer and highlighting their skills and achievements.

Students now have a completed resume and cover letter; they are prepared as they begin to look for jobs on their college campuses in the fall or apply for their dream job.