
Students of Roberto Clemente Community Academy’s CTE Broadcasting Program will be participating in the WTTW Good Neighborhood Project. The Good Neighborhood Project aims to change the narrative of what others around the country are hearing about our city. Through the power of video, high school juniors and seniors across the city will spread journalistic good will with their segments on the people, places, and things that make their communities wonderful.

Our students will produce a three to five minute documentary on the topic of their choice. Their topics range from the creation and development of Paseo Boricua—the Division Street development project unique to Humboldt Park’s history and community—to the history behind the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture. Clemente Wildcats will be speaking directly with community representatives that have been at the forefront of these neighborhood projects, allowing students to deeply and authentically interact with the neighborhood in which they attend school, and in which many live.

Once they’ve completed an initial investigation, they will conduct on-camera interviews, giving students the hands-on practice they need for a future in Broadcasting. At the center of the lesson will be the art of storytelling: crafting an honest and impactful narrative. Students will learn to film in both a visually pleasing and technically proficient manner, combining the artistry and technical skills they have acquired. Their learning experiences will also include recording narration, editing and revision. After completion, Clemente students will constructively critique each other’s work and revise accordingly, similar to critiques they might receive if they choose to pursue broadcasting or other arts in college. Their final videos will be submitted to WTTW with possible scholarship wins and a chance for the winning videos to be aired on Channel 11. Roberto Clemente Community Academy is proud to partner with WTTW Channel 11 in Chicago to enhance the quality of learning experiences for our students. Our junior students have been given a great opportunity to create windows to the world!