Localized Perspective Artwork

Localized Perspective Artwork

Localized Perspective ArtworksliderArt 1 students at Clemente are currently engaged in working on a localized perspective stair art project. Localized perspective artwork that can only been seen from a specific vantage point. Each piece will be installed on stairs such that the artwork as a whole can only be seen when standing at the bottom of the staircase. Students are working in groups to create designs that represent different subjects and IB courses offered at Roberto Clemente. Each work is large-scale and made of various art materials such as paints, oil pastels, markers and pencil. The students will install their artworks in the many stairwells around the school, with each staircase representing a specific subject. Once in place, students, staff, and community members who enter the school will be able to enjoy this representation of all the courses and IB offerings at Roberto Clemente when walking through each stairwell.