Democracy Week at Clemente

On Tuesday February 4th, as part of Democracy Week, volunteers from the American Bar Association and the Voting Rights Project attended over 15 senior classes. Volunteers taught a lesson on the importance of voting that included a video about the history of voting and the disenfranchisement of people of color and women. Students participated in debates over controversial topics and asked clarifying legal questions. Each class then hosted a mock election where two candidates gave a platform speech on current issues. The class then voted on a “governor” and the winner had bragging rights for the day. At the end of each session, students who will be 18 by the November election registered to vote.

The day’s activities served to reinforce the attitude that most seniors have about the need to vote. Even before the presentation, several seniors were already registered to vote including Kevin Camacho and Victor Grant. According to Zirimar Diaz-Berdecia “the presentation convinced me even more to vote”.
