Renewable Energy Research

by Manu Spooner
9th Grade Biology teacher

This week, students in Mr. Holmes, Ms. Fuentes, and Mr. Spooner’s biology classes have been learning how to save the world! After exploring the damaging impact humans can have on their living and non-living environments, students have been tasked to research, discuss, and promote different types of renewable energy sources. Last week, students explored many different types of human impact, such as overconsumption of natural resources, the use of pesticides, the effects of landfills, light pollution, the creation of smog, and the effects of the fashion industry on local water sources. Students then examined how the Earth’s ever-growing population would affect these issues and debated over which strategy for controlling overpopulation would be the best for the planet. After learning about fossil fuels, carbon dioxide, and their connection to global warming, students took to the computer lab to investigate alternatives to oil, gas, and coal.

At the beginning of the week, students were assigned a type of renewable energy. Students began researching solar power, wind energy, and unnamed-26hydroelectricity. After learning about how the renewable energy source works, they investigated the advantages and disadvantages of capturing and utilizing these types of energy. Students will choose to use their new-found knowledge to collaborate on a presentation that details all three types of renewable energy, or present their findings independently. Their presentations will also seek to persuade either the school’s administration or the city’s government to adopt the type of energy source they think will benefit the planet’s long-term health the most. The computer labs have been energized with students gearing up to demonstrate their new understanding of scientific problem solving. Next week, they will engage and amaze their classmates and teachers with their environmental plans – plans that could save the world.