Students Reflect on the Learner Profile

A Spotlight on the Fine Arts: “Students Reflect on the Learner Profile”

In Art II, students explore various ways in which their identity is affected by the world around them. They are also challenged to look at themselves through various perspectives and represent what they find through artistic expression. These reflections are an essential part of how we integrate the IB Learner Profile into our classroom instruction.

Currently, students in the Art II class are working on self-portraits, each of which will embody one of the IB Learner Profile characteristics. Students must assess themselves and choose a characteristic from the IB learner profile that they most embody. Once students have selected their characteristics, they then take a chiaroscuro photograph of themselves personifying it. This photograph is then used as the source from which they create their self portrait painting.

Attributes from the IB Learner Profile include:

  • Principled
  • Knowledgeable
  • Caring
  • Reflective
  • Thinker
  • Open-Minded
  • Inquirer
  • Balanced
  • Communicator
  • Risk-take